Discover the Mind-Body Connection for Healing
Doctors and medical journals are finally beginning to acknowledge hypnosis as a tool for healing. It may help to reduce chronic pain, improve recovery after surgery, lessen the side effects of chemotherapy, ease insomnia, and so much more.
Andrew Weil, M.D.,is an internationally recognized physician and expert on mind-body interaction, nutrition and integrative medicine. Listen to Dr. Weil talk about Medical Hypnosis in the clip below.
Dr. Andrew Weil |
Your subconscious mind controls many of the important functions of your body. You don't have to consciously remember to breathe, digest your food or even blink your eyes. There is an automatic communication system in place between your mind and body that assures these functions are performed regularly.
In hypnosis, you have access to this "mind of your body" and you can use it in very special ways. Suggestions and images are given to help lower blood pressure, alleviate skin conditions, soothe bowel disorders, improve the symtoms of asthma, and more.
While hypnosis should not be used in place of regular medical treatment, it can be a powerful tool in helping you reclaim your natural, healthy state.
Learn to tap into the power of your own mind-body connection. Call Karen at 404-931-6356 or fill out the form below to discover how hypnosis can help you.